Tuesday, 23 October 2018


Lavana (Salt) :
  • Salt (Saline taste)  has cleansing , carminative, appetizer properties. 
  • It is hot , suppresses all other tastes  and gives softness to body. 
  • It relieves stiffness by reducing vata dosha, aggravates kapha and pitta. 
  • Reduces strength of body and causes salivation and burning sensation in mouth.
  •  It blocks the channels of circulation and cause suppuration.
  •  It is very important in diet as it gives taste to the food.
  •  e.g. Sea salt, black salt etc.
There are 6 types of salt.
  1. Saindhava (Rock salt)
  2. Samudra (Sea salt)
  3. Bida (Black salt)
  4. Souvarchala (Table salt)
  5. Romaka
  6. Audbhida
As we go down , the hotness, Vata shamana , kapha-pitta increasing properties go on increasing and as we go up unctuousness, sweetness and elemination of waste products properties go on increasing.

Effect on dosha
Other specific properties
(Rock salt)
Sodium chloride, traces of sodium sulphate and Magnesium
Cold, Sweet, Unctuous, Light
Alleviates all 3 doshas
Good for eyes, Cardiac tonic, carminative, aphrodisiac
(Sea salt)
Sodium chloride,Potassium, Magnesium
Not too hot, after digestion effect sweet, slightly unctuous
Increases pitta moderately
Bitter, alkaline, Purgative, relieves abdominal pain.
Bida Lavana(Padelon)
(Black salt)
Sodium Chloride
Hot, digestive stimulant, sharp
Alleviates vata
Helps in bloating, cardiac tonic, laxative
Souvarchal(Table salt)
Sodium chloride & sulphate
Improves taste & digestion
Increases vata and pitta
Cardioac tonic, helps in expulsion of urine and stool .
Sodium carbonate&sulphate
Increases kapha

Sodium chloride & sulphate
Sharp,slightly  bitter & pungent
Increases pitta

Among all these salts, rock salt (saindhava lavana) is considered as the best.
It is prepared by evaporating sea water and being natural and less processed is good for health.

Properties of Saindha namak ( Rock salt):

  • Taste- Salty, slightly sweet
  • Cold, unlike other salts which are hot
  • Light
  • It is not very sharp
  • Improves digestion
  • Acts as aphrodisiac
  • Good for eyes
  • Cardiac tonic
  • Alleviates all 3 doshas
  • It doesn't cause burning sensation unlike regular salt
Constitution of rock salt:

It contains  Sodium chloride and trace minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

All Salts primarily contains Sodium chloride (NaCl) .

The other contents of  salts are :

  • Sodium: Maintains the balance of water in the body. It is important for proper muscle and nerve function. It also maintains the blood pressure.
  • Potassium: It also contributes to normal muscle and nervous function and blood pressure.
  • Magnesium: It has a role in the process of cell division and contributes to electrolyte imbalance, metabolism and reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
  •  Magnesium also contributes to the maintainance of normal bones, teeth and protein synthesis and psychological functioning.
  • Calcium: It is important for healthy bones and teeth. It also plays important role in muscle contraction- relaxation, nervous function and blood clotting.
Daily sodium requirement is 2300mg which is equal to 1 teaspoon or 6 gm of salt. Hypertensive and older people should limit the sodium intake to not more than 1500mg per day.

Over intake of saline taste:
  • When used in excess It can causes urticaria, discoloration(vivarnata), loss of virility  etc.
  •  It aggravates pitta dosha and can lead to stomatitis, conjunctivitis, gout(vatarakta), raktapitta(bleeding from different parts of the body).  
  • It can also cause  premature wrinkling, premature graying of hairs,  baldness.
  • Increased blood pressure.

What is the difference between sea salt and table salt?

Sea salt is made from evaporation of sea water with little processing so the trace minerals leave behind which give it smell and color. As it is not processed heavily it is more natural.

Table salt is mined from underground salt deposits. Then it is heavily processed to remove all minerals and anti caking agent is added.  Table salts are fortified according to local requirements with Iodine, Iron etc.

Is it advised to have rock salt daily?

Yes , it is good as it is mild, cooling and helps in proper digestion. Contains all elements of regular salt and still better than regular salt.

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