Triphala powder is the most popular Ayurvedic medicine. People know it for it's laxative property and it is the most famous medicine to be sold over-the-counter for constipation.
But it is far more than just a laxative. In Ayurveda, Triphala is best known for it's Rasayana (i.e. Rejuvenating) property.
Triphala is comprised of :
- 1 fruit of Haritaki (Harde)
- 2 fruits of Bhibhitaka (Behada)
- 4 fruits of Aamla
Each of the contents have different and specific properties.
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- It has 5 tastes, most dominant being astringent and it lacks saline taste.
- It is light, hot and dry , its after digestion effect on body is sweet and constructive, so it helps in growth of the body.
- The harde which when put in water sinks down is considered as good quality .
- It improves memory, intellect and longevity.
- It promotes eyesight.
- It is a laxative.
- It cures digestive problems such a bloating, constipation,ulcer, vomiting etc. It cures piles, parasitic infestation, jaundice . It also cures urinary disorders, diabetes, asthma and cough.
- By chewing harde, it improves digestion.
- When taken in paste form it cleanses the bowel.
- When used by steaming , it is constipative.
- When used by frying, it alleviates all three doshas.
Use of harde in different seasons:
- In summer it should be taken with equal quantity of jaggery.
- In rainy season with saindhava (rock salt)
- In autumn, it should be taken with equal quantity of sugar
- In Hemanta ritu (early phase of winter) , it should be taken with dry ginger powder (i.e. shunthi)
- In Shishira ritu (later in winter) to be taken with Pippali (black pepper).
- In spring season should be taken with honey.
Nutritional Value of Haritaki:
- Haritaki consists of active ingrediant which are recognized to have healing properties including anticancer, antibacterial, antidiabetic and anti-oxidant properties.
- Haritaki is very nutritious containing essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins. It is a source of vitamin C, manganese, selenian, potassium, iron and copper.
- It also contains plant chemicals like – tannic acid, gallic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and behenic acid.
- Harde should be avoided by an extremely exhausted person after strenuous work
- A person whose body is dried up and emaciated.
- During pregnancy.
- It has astringent taste and after digestion effect is sweet and constructive.
- It is hot,dry and alleviates kapha and pitta.
- It promotes eye sight and especially cures cough and impaired voice.
- It is good for hair.
- Aamla is sour in taste and is cold.
- It is an elixir of life , it builds immunity and increases longevity.
- It is exceedingly aphrodisiac and rejuvenating
- It has all the properties of harde and specifically it cures bleeding disorders and diabetes.
- It alleviates all 3 doshas.
Nutritional value of Aamla:
- It is very rich in Vit C (90%)
- It also contains calcium, phosphorus, carotene and vit B complex.
- It is a powerful anti-oxidant.
It is a power pack combination of 3 fruits harde, behda and aamla
Action of Triphala:
- It improves digestion. Indigestion is the root cause of all diseases.So helps in maintaining health.
- Alleviates all three doshas. So helps to maintain the equilibrium.
- It has moderately laxative action, so helps in removing toxins out of the body.
- The after digestion effect is sweet and constructive , so it promotes healthy growth of body and rejuvenates the body tissues. The effect is long and healthy life.
- It is specifically good for eyes, it improves eyesight.
- Being hot, it alleviates kapha dosha , meda (Fat) and helps in diabetes and weight loss.
- It is very useful in wound healing.
- It also has anti-inflammatory action. Gargles and mouth wash with triphala decoction is advised in oral diseases and sore throat.
- Good for scalp infections such as dandruff. Use as scalp mask or wash hair with triphala decoction.
- It improves immunity.
You can include Triphala in any form( i.e. capsule, powder, decoction) in your daily regimen.
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